How to Configure Proxy Settings in Linux And Unix

Here are different ways to configure the proxy to recognize the proxy server and proxy config file.

#export http_proxy='http://<ProxyServer>:8080/'
#export ftp_proxy='http://<ProxyServer>:8080/'
#export https_proxy='http://<ProxyServer>:8080/'

-If your proxy server needs login/authentication you can use this format

#export http_proxy='http://username:passwowd@<ProxyServer>:8080/'

-to save this configuration permanently ,you should add it to .bashrc or .profile files.

#echo "export http_proxy='http://<ProxyServer>:8080/' " >> ~/.profile


I'm a IT Infrastructure and Operations Architect with extensive experience and administration skills and works for Turk Telekom. I provide hardware and software support for the IT Infrastructure and Operations tasks.

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