Windows and Linux scripts to monitor NTP offset value

NTP is a time synchronization protocol, which can be used to synchronize the system time from an external resource.

If you are a network, system or application administrator who managing a large number of servers and application environment, it is important that NTP is configured and running correctly. This is also a security concern that all servers in an application environment are running in same time with same CPU clock. NTP offset value can be used for monitor the time differences between NTP server and client. I have complied Powershell and KornShell script to monitor NTP offset time and create alert if NTP offset value is larger than “60000”.

Script  Details:

  1. Get  System defined  NTP  Servers.
  2. Calculate NTP offset Value.
  3. Check if offset  is larger  than 60000 miliseconds.
  4. Send alert  to  HP  Operation Manager.

Windows Servers NTP Offset Monitor

Before Running:

  • Check Powershell version  on your server with  $PSVersionTable . PS version must be minimum 3.
  • Change  $path_ntp parameter  on script that where  you located your this script.
  • Alert rule  created for HP Operation Manager. If you need  change  it to your  as you wish.

Script Added  Githup Repository. You can get  it from this  link.

PowerShell Script:

#Requires -Version 3
#              Abdurrahim  YILDIRIM               #
Set-StrictMode -Version 3
Function Get-NtpTime {
    Param (
        [String]$Server = '',
        [Int]$MaxOffset = 1000000,     # (Milliseconds) Throw exception if network time offset is larger
        [Switch]$NoDns  = $True          # Do not attempt to lookup V3 secondary-server referenceIdentifier
    # NTP Times are all UTC and are relative to midnight on 1/1/1900
    $StartOfEpoch=New-Object DateTime(1900,1,1,0,0,0,[DateTimeKind]::Utc)   
    Function OffsetToLocal($Offset) {
    # Convert milliseconds since midnight on 1/1/1900 to local time
    # Construct a 48-byte client NTP time packet to send to the specified server
    # (Request Header: [00=No Leap Warning; 011=Version 3; 011=Client Mode]; 00011011 = 0x1B)
    [Byte[]]$NtpData = ,0 * 48
    $NtpData[0] = 0x1B    # NTP Request header in first byte
    $Socket = New-Object Net.Sockets.Socket([Net.Sockets.AddressFamily]::InterNetwork,
    $Socket.SendTimeOut = 2000  # ms
    $Socket.ReceiveTimeOut = 2000   # ms
    Try {
    Catch {
        Write-Error "Failed to connect to server $Server"
# NTP Transaction -------------------------------------------------------
        $t1 = Get-Date    # t1, Start time of transaction... 
        Try {
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Failed to communicate with server $Server"
        $t4 = Get-Date    # End of NTP transaction time
# End of NTP Transaction ------------------------------------------------
# We now have an NTP response packet in $NtpData to decode.  Start with the LI flag
# as this is used to indicate errors as well as leap-second information
    # Check the Leap Indicator (LI) flag for an alarm condition - extract the flag
    # from the first byte in the packet by masking and shifting 
    $LI = ($NtpData[0] -band 0xC0) -shr 6    # Leap Second indicator
    If ($LI -eq 3) {
        Throw 'Alarm condition from server (clock not synchronized)'
    # Decode the 64-bit NTP times
    # The NTP time is the number of seconds since 1/1/1900 and is split into an 
    # integer part (top 32 bits) and a fractional part, multipled by 2^32, in the 
    # bottom 32 bits.
    # Convert Integer and Fractional parts of the (64-bit) t3 NTP time from the byte array
    $IntPart = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($NtpData[43..40],0)
    $FracPart = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($NtpData[47..44],0)
    # Convert to Millseconds (convert fractional part by dividing value by 2^32)
    $t3ms = $IntPart * 1000 + ($FracPart * 1000 / 0x100000000)
    # Perform the same calculations for t2 (in bytes [32..39]) 
    $IntPart = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($NtpData[35..32],0)
    $FracPart = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($NtpData[39..36],0)
    $t2ms = $IntPart * 1000 + ($FracPart * 1000 / 0x100000000)
    # Calculate values for t1 and t4 as milliseconds since 1/1/1900 (NTP format)
    $t1ms = ([TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeToUtc($t1) - $StartOfEpoch).TotalMilliseconds
    $t4ms = ([TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeToUtc($t4) - $StartOfEpoch).TotalMilliseconds
    # Calculate the NTP Offset and Delay values
    $Offset = (($t2ms - $t1ms) + ($t3ms-$t4ms))/2
    $Delay = ($t4ms - $t1ms) - ($t3ms - $t2ms)
    # Make sure the result looks sane...
    If ([Math]::Abs($Offset) -gt $MaxOffset) {
        # Network server time is too different from local time
        Throw "Network time offset exceeds maximum ($($MaxOffset)ms)"
    # Decode other useful parts of the received NTP time packet
    # We already have the Leap Indicator (LI) flag.  Now extract the remaining data
    # flags (NTP Version, Server Mode) from the first byte by masking and shifting (dividing)
    $LI_text = Switch ($LI) {
        0    {'no warning'}
        1    {'last minute has 61 seconds'}
        2    {'last minute has 59 seconds'}
        3    {'alarm condition (clock not synchronized)'}
    $VN = ($NtpData[0] -band 0x38) -shr 3    # Server version number
    $Mode = ($NtpData[0] -band 0x07)     # Server mode (probably 'server')
    $Mode_text = Switch ($Mode) {
        0    {'reserved'}
        1    {'symmetric active'}
        2    {'symmetric passive'}
        3    {'client'}
        4    {'server'}
        5    {'broadcast'}
        6    {'reserved for NTP control message'}
        7    {'reserved for private use'}
    # Other NTP information (Stratum, PollInterval, Precision)
    $Stratum = [UInt16]$NtpData[1]   # Actually [UInt8] but we don't have one of those...
    $Stratum_text = Switch ($Stratum) {
        0                            {'unspecified or unavailable'}
        1                            {'primary reference (e.g., radio clock)'}
        {$_ -ge 2 -and $_ -le 15}    {'secondary reference (via NTP or SNTP)'}
        {$_ -ge 16}                  {'reserved'}
    $PollInterval = $NtpData[2]              # Poll interval - to neareast power of 2
    $PollIntervalSeconds = [Math]::Pow(2, $PollInterval)
    $PrecisionBits = $NtpData[3]      # Precision in seconds to nearest power of 2
    # ...this is a signed 8-bit int
    If ($PrecisionBits -band 0x80) {    # ? negative (top bit set)
        [Int]$Precision = $PrecisionBits -bor 0xFFFFFFE0    # Sign extend
    } else {
        # ..this is unlikely - indicates a precision of less than 1 second
        [Int]$Precision = $PrecisionBits   # top bit clear - just use positive value
    $PrecisionSeconds = [Math]::Pow(2, $Precision)
    # Determine the format of the ReferenceIdentifier field and decode
    If ($Stratum -le 1) {
        # Response from Primary Server.  RefId is ASCII string describing source
        $ReferenceIdentifier = [String]([Char[]]$NtpData[12..15] -join '')
    Else {
        # Response from Secondary Server; determine server version and decode
        Switch ($VN) {
            3       {
                        # Version 3 Secondary Server, RefId = IPv4 address of reference source
                        $ReferenceIdentifier = $NtpData[12..15] -join '.'
                        If (-Not $NoDns) {
                            If ($DnsLookup =  Resolve-DnsName $ReferenceIdentifier -QuickTimeout -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                                $ReferenceIdentifier = "$ReferenceIdentifier <$($DnsLookup.NameHost)>"
            4       {
                        # Version 4 Secondary Server, RefId = low-order 32-bits of  
                        # latest transmit time of reference source
                        $ReferenceIdentifier = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($NtpData[15..12],0) * 1000 / 0x100000000
            Default {
                        # Unhandled NTP version...
                        $ReferenceIdentifier = $Null
    # Calculate Root Delay and Root Dispersion values
    $RootDelay = [BitConverter]::ToInt32($NtpData[7..4],0) / 0x10000
    $RootDispersion = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($NtpData[11..8],0) / 0x10000
    # Finally, create output object and return
    $NtpTimeObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
        NtpServer = $Server
        NtpTime = OffsetToLocal($t4ms + $Offset)
        Offset = $Offset
        OffsetSeconds = [Math]::Round($Offset/1000, 3)
        Delay = $Delay
        t1ms = $t1ms
        t2ms = $t2ms
        t3ms = $t3ms
        t4ms = $t4ms
        t1 = OffsetToLocal($t1ms)
        t2 = OffsetToLocal($t2ms)
        t3 = OffsetToLocal($t3ms)
        t4 = OffsetToLocal($t4ms)
        LI = $LI
        LI_text = $LI_text
        NtpVersionNumber = $VN
        Mode = $Mode
        Mode_text = $Mode_text
        Stratum = $Stratum
        Stratum_text = $Stratum_text
        PollIntervalRaw = $PollInterval
        PollInterval = New-Object TimeSpan(0,0,$PollIntervalSeconds)
        Precision = $Precision
        PrecisionSeconds = $PrecisionSeconds
        ReferenceIdentifier = $ReferenceIdentifier
        RootDelay = $RootDelay
        RootDispersion = $RootDispersion
        Raw = $NtpData   # The undecoded bytes returned from the NTP server
    # Set the default display properties for the returned object
    [String[]]$DefaultProperties =  'NtpServer', 'NtpTime', 'OffsetSeconds', 'NtpVersionNumber', 
                                    'Mode_text', 'Stratum', 'ReferenceIdentifier'
    # Create the PSStandardMembers.DefaultDisplayPropertySet member
    $ddps = New-Object Management.Automation.PSPropertySet('DefaultDisplayPropertySet', $DefaultProperties)
    # Attach default display property set and output object
    $PSStandardMembers = [Management.Automation.PSMemberInfo[]]$ddps 
    $NtpTimeObj | Add-Member -MemberType MemberSet -Name PSStandardMembers -Value $PSStandardMembers -PassThru
	 $Servername = $env:computername
     $path_ntp = "C:\HPOOconfig\SystemControl\ntp_offset_control"
     $NTPserver = w32tm /query  /source|%{ $_.Split(',')[0]; }
     $NTPValue = Get-NtpTime $NTPserver
     $OffsetValue = $NTPValue.OffsetSeconds
     if ($OffsetValue -lt '-60000' -or $OffsetValue -gt '60000' -or !$OffsetValue)
     Write-Host("NTP offset yüksek : $OffsetValue")
        if (Test-Path $path_ntp) 
        Write-Host("Aler Dublicated")
        opcmsg a=Offset o=Offset severity=Critical msg_text=" $servername NTP Offset Problem " node="$servername"
        echo $null >> $path_ntp
        if (Test-Path $path_ntp) 
        opcmsg a=Offset o=Offset severity=Normal msg_text=" $servername NTP offset Fixed !!! " node="$servername"
        del $path_ntp



Shell Script For  Linux:

Offset=`ntpq  -p |grep  -e '*'|awk  '{print $9}'`
if [ "$Offset" -lt "-60000" ] || [ "$Offset" -gt 60000 ] || [ -z  "$Offset" ]
        if [ ! -f $Script_Path/ntp_offset_critical ]
        /opt/OV/bin/opcmsg a=Offset o=Offset severity=Critical msg_text="`hostname` sunucusunda NTP Offset Problem !!! " node=`hostname`
        touch  $Script_Path/ntp_offset_critical
        if [ -f $Script_Path/ntp_offset_critical ]
        /opt/OV/bin/opcmsg a=Offset o=Offset severity=Normal msg_text="`hostname` sunucusunda NTP Offset Fixed. !!! " node=`hostname`
        rm  -rf  $Script_Path/ntp_offset_critical

I'm a IT Infrastructure and Operations Architect with extensive experience and administration skills and works for Turk Telekom. I provide hardware and software support for the IT Infrastructure and Operations tasks.

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