How to define ACL in Oracle Solaris ZFS

This post describes how to set acl a directory or file for the Oracle  Solaris  ZFS environment.You can set and display all permissions on ZFS files in a complex and compact format that uses 14 letters to show permissions.

# ls -V filexx
-rw-r--r-- 1 xx x 206663 Jun 23 15:06 filexx
  • Owner;The  owner  can read  or write file (rw) also append data(p).Owner can change  file attributes  like a=read_attributes, W=write_xattr, R=read_xattr, A=write_attributes, c=read_acl, C=write_acla=read_attributes, W=write_xattr, R=read_xattr, A=write_attributes, c=read_acl, C=write_acl. And  last  one owner can modify  owner attribute.
  • Group;The group  has read permission and  also  a-R-c-s attributes.
  • Everyone;Everyone  has read permission and  also  a-R-c-s attributes.

How to set ACL Write/Read/execute permissions for a file with an inherit  option?

# chmod A+user:username:read_data/write_data/execute:file_inherit/dir_inherit:allow <file/dir>
# chmod A+user:username:read_data/write_data:file_inherit:allow test2.dir

How to check if ACL defined succesfully?

# ls -dv test2.dir

Oracle Solaris recursive ACL for  ZFS

#find /logs -exec chmod A+user:test:read_data/execute:file_inherit:allow {} ';'


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